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Last issue

¹ 3 (112), 2024


Edition of the journal is supported partially by the grant of the Fogarty International Center (FIC) of the National Institute of Health and Illinois University, Chicago.


ISSN 2077-7477 (Print)
ISSN 2077-7485 (Online)

A journal "Dovkillia ta zdorovia" (Environment & Health) publishes the articles on the problems in the field of medical ecology, hygiene, health protection and ecological safety.

Founder of the Journal:
State Institution "O.M. Marzeiev Institute for Hygiene and Medical Ecology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"

Frequency of publication:


Andrii Serdiuk
Doctor of Sciences (Medical), Professor, Academician NAMSU,
State Institution “O.M. Marzeiev Institute for Public Health of the NAMS of Ukraine”

e-mail: ihmeamnu@ukr.net

Scopus – 3
Web of Science Core Collection – 2

ORCID 0000-0002-4145-9948
ResearcherID B-3110-2017

Ihor Chernychenko
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Chief Research Scientist, Laboratory of the Hygiene of Carcinogenic Factors and Nanomaterials, State Institution “O.M. Marzieiev Institute for Public Health, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”

e-mail: igme1@ukr.net

Web of Science Core Collection – 1

ORCID 0000-0002-4784-4628

Serhii Voznesenskyi
Ph.D. in Medical Sciences (Hygiene), Doctoral Student in Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, St. Scholastics College

e-mail: svoznesenskyy@teachers.org

Scopus –
Web of Science Core Collection – 1
Google Scholar - 2

ORCID 0000-0003-4037-8625

Ella Bulich
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Associate Director, Head of the Laboratory of Medico-Biological Foundations of Health

e-mail: igormuravov@gmail.com

Ihor Muravov
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Director, Head of the Laboratory of Public Health, Research Institute of Health of the International Valeological Society

e-mail: igormuravov@gmail.com

Google Scholar - 12
Serhii Sychyk
Ph.D. in Medical Sciences, State Institution " Director, Scientific
and Practical Center of Hygiene Republican Unitary Enterprise"

e-mail: rspch@rspch.by

Scopus – 2

ORCID 0000-0003-1083-8993

Isaak Trakhtenberh
Doctor of Medicine, Academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Laboratory, State Institution “Yu.I. Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Medicine, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”

e-mail: isaactrachtenberg@gmail.com

Scopus – 3

ORCID 0000-0003-1086-8279
ResearcherID Õ-3801-2019

Ihor Serheta
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Chair of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, Vinnytsia National M.I.Pyrohov Medical University

e-mail: serheta@ukr.net

Scopus – 1
Web of Science Core Collection – 1

ORCID 0000-0002-4439-3833
ResearcherID Q-6219-2019

Eleonora Biletska
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Ukraine National Prize Winner in Science and Technology, Chair of the Department of General Hygiene, SI “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy, MPHU”

e-mail: enbelitska@dsma.dp.ua

Scopus – 0

ORCID 0000-0002-0256-2002
ResearcherID AAB-8252-2020

Motria Poshyvanyk Caudill
Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences at University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Public Health, Chicago, Illinois

e-mail: motria.caudill@gmail.com

Scopus – 4
Google Scholar - 4

Dmytro Korneev
PhD in Biology, Senior Research Fellow, Gilead Science Incorporated, Foster City, CA

e-mail: kornyeyev@yahoo.com

Scopus – 17
Web of Science Core Collection – 17

ORCID 0000-0002-2330-6729

Maria Sobol
PhD in Biology, Clinic Molecular Geneticist, Department of Clinical Genetics, Uppsala University Hospital

e-mail: maria.sobol@gmail.com

Scopus – 9
Web of Science Core Collection – 6
Google Scholar – 7

ResearcherID - AAA-5738-2019

Navakatikyan Michael Alexander
PhD (Biology & Physiology), MSc (Med Stats), MSc (Biol & Physiol), BSc (Applied Maths), Research Fellow, Population Wellbeing and Environment Research Lab (PowerLab), School of Health and Society, Faculty of Social Sciences

e-mail: michael.navakatikyan@gmail.com

Scopus – 11
Web of Science Core Collection – 11

Mykhailo Buzynnyi
Doctor of Biology, Senior Research Scientist, Head of the Laboratory of Radiation Monitoring, State Institution “O.M. Marzieiev Institute for Public Health, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”

e-mail: radmonitoring@ukr.net

Scopus – 7
Web of Science Core Collection – 1

ORCID 0000-0003-2812-573X
ResearcherID B-2859-2017
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