Environment & Health | ISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485 |
No: 3 (104) - September, 2022 - Pages: 62-72
Medical and statistical analysis of the structure of cancer population in cities of industrial uranium extraction
Shevchuk O.M.1
1 Central Ukrainian Institute of Human Development of the International University of Human Development «Ukraine», Kropyvnytskyi
ÓÄÊ: 613.648.4:614.876
Objective: The aim of work is to study the structure of cancer morbidity in the population of Ukraine living in cities of industrial uranium mining. Materials and methods: Kropyvnytskyi and Kirovohrad oblasts were selected as the scientific basis of the research. Kropyvnytskyi produces uranium raw materials, which are transported to Zhovti Vody, the only city in Ukraine where primary uranium enrichment is carried out. The data of cancer morbidity observations with using materials of the regional center of medical statistics, reports of Kirovohrad regional oncology dispensary, materials «Comprehensive Environmental Protection Program in Kirovohrad region for 2016-2020 years» were used to analyze the environmental and radiation situation. Results: Studies have shown that the concentration of radon in the air of residential buildings, especially one-story, often exceeds the permissible level set for uranium miners. Uranium is also no less harmful to the human body. Enterprises extract uranium ore, carry out its primary processing, and its mines pass simply under residential areas. Radon dissolves quickly in the air, but accumulates in closed, basement areas. Thus, it was found that the main dose a person receives in the premises where the city dweller spends 80% of his time. The content of radon in the indoor air is determined by the specifics of the geological structure of the area, the location on its territory of rock massifs with high uranium content. Conclusions: The analysis of Kirovohrad region’s characteristics shows the effects of radiation in the cancer’s structure. Analyzing the indicators of the Kirovohrad region, we can see the effects of radiation in the structure of the cancer. A large number of houses in Kropyvnytskyi are built of building materials, which include granite with high content of radon and uranium, which negatively affects the health of residents of the city and region. Kropyvnytskyi is one of the three cities in Ukraine with the highest cancer mortality rate. One of the reasons is radon, a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that is released from faults in the earth's crust and has a significant effect on the appearance of cancerous tumors.
radon, uranium, malignant neoplasms, oncological diseases, human health.
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