Environment & Health | ISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485 |
No: 2 (111) - JUNE, 2024 - Pages: 14-20
Accessibility of information and electronic technologies for older age groups of the population of Ukraine: digital literacy and e-learning
Prokopenko N.O.1
1 Chebotarov D.F. State Institute of Gerontology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
ÓÄÊ: 613.98:374.7.004
The article, based on a meta-analysis of official statistical data from various sources and sociological studies, substantiates the problems of accessibility of digital technologies for people of older age groups: technical, material, physiological, cognitive, psychological. Data analysis showed the insufficient attention to studying the use of information technologies by people aged 60 years and older. Among older people, almost one in three lack digital skills, and one in two have below basic digital literacy. Discrepancies in the level of digital literacy are observed not only by age, but also by region. With age, interest in mastering digital skills decreases. This training is not considered relevant for people in older age groups (64.3%). The most desirable form of education is with children or grandchildren (36.4%). The mechanism for «entering» the digital skills training platform for people in older age groups should be as simple, understandable, and secure as possible. The author shows that the availability of digital technologies, training and development of digital skills among older groups of the population is an important task for the development of digital inclusion and support of this age group in the digital world.
older age groups, digital skills, digital technologies, accessibility problems, motivation, forms of education
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